Shore Points Amateur Radio Club Minutes of the meeting held April 16, 2015 at the Brigantine Community Center The meeting commenced at 7:35 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance and introductions. Ten voting members, one lifetime member, one associate member and three guests were present. Club Treasurer, Bob Webb read the financial report for March. There was a complete accounting of all of the club's financial assets in the amount of $956.86 in cash, an increase of $25.00 over February. Marv Tyndall motioned to accept the report, Bob McFadden seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The minutes of the previous meeting, held on March 19, 2015, were read by the club secretary, David Holmes. Rick Hitchen motioned to accept the minutes, John Nemchick seconded and the motion passed unanimously. A repeater report was given by Gary Paul. The power glitch in the two meter repeater had occurred again earlier in the month and Gary promptly visited the site and reset it. Gary had a few ideas of things he would like to try. Dave motioned to give Gary a free hand to troubleshoot and affect any changes he deemed necessary. Bob seconded the motion which passed unanimously. The floor was then opened to old business. At a previous meeting, Dave had suggested approaching Brigantine Mayor Phil Guenther about issuing a Mayoral Proclamation of some sort to help bring attention to our participation in the annual Field Day Event. General consensus was that the Mayor would not be receptive to this, however, Dave ran into Mayor Guenther at a local retail establishment and held a discussion with him that revealed he would be receptive this idea. In the absence of any objections, Dave agreed to send the Mayor the information he requested to be able to consider doing this. Dave had received the insurance binder from the Hays Company for the clubs liability insurance and had forwarded it to Rick and Gary. Rick motioned to reimburse Dave for the insurance, Jim Tyndall seconded, the motion passed and Dave was paid $200.00. Rick had renewed the club's incorporation. Marv motioned to reimburse Rick, Dave seconded, the motion passed and Rick was paid $25.00. Dave had some questions concerning the club email account he was supposed to set up and was advised to go with Gmail and try to get as the address. It was also mentioned that the club's equipment insurance is due by July 9th. The floor was then opened to new business. The idea of a SPARC HF Net was proposed by Bob McFadden. It was generally agreed that the net could take place on the first Sunday of each month at 10:00 AM on the 40 meter band but was then changed to the 10 meter band in order to allow the club's Technician Class operators to participate and the frequency of 28.425 MHz was chosen. A practice net was to be held the following Sunday, April 19th at 9:00 AM to test the feasibility with the first actual net to occur on Sunday, May 3rd at 10:00 AM. At 8:32 PM, Rick motioned to close the meeting, Dave seconded and the meeting was adjourned. Immediately following the meeting a 50/50 drawing was held. Marie Twist drew the winning ticket which was held by Bob Abrams and the club netted $24.00.